Our New Website has Launched!
This news is so great it even made Mr. Spock crack a smile – imagine how pleased we are! Yup, that’s right – the all-new Patrick Casey Design website is here. We’ve been hammering and polishing and tinkering at this thing for ages and now it’s finally ready. Behold it in all it’s HTML-ey wonder! Cast your

Website Backups: Why you need to backup right now!
Picture the scene: It’s Monday morning and you’ve just arrived in work. You’re sipping a nice cup of something hot and browsing through your emails: delete the usual junk and scan through the inbox looking for anything urgent. Nothing seems out of place but you feel like something’s not quite right. Slowly, it dawns on

Adding content to your site is no longer optional!
The days of creating a website and just leaving it sitting there are long over. For anyone who wants to rank well in Google there’s really only one choice: start creating high-quality, relevant & (most importantly!) original content for your website – and the tough part is, you have do this on a consistent, regular basis

3 good reasons to keep your WordPress website up-to-date
WordPress websites are remarkable things: flexible, powerful and endlessly expandable. The WordPress backbone code powers many millions of websites all around the world, from simple 1-page brochure websites to huge e-commerce online stores. This is all achieved thanks to the tireless efforts of a large number of enthusiastic coders who continually add their creative energy